¡Hola a todos! My name is Alondra Zúñiga and I’m a concept artist and illustrator for Forage Friends at Pie Trap Studios!
Where are you from?
I am from Zapopan, Jalisco in Mexico.
How long have you been working in games?
Not very long! I graduated from University last December (2022), so I am still a Junior in the industry. I’ve been at two other studios as a concept art intern until I got the opportunity to work with Pietrap Studios!
Who motivates or inspires you?
Most of my artist friends always inspire me and motivate me to improve each day, especially my best friend Andrew, who is the person I mostly show my art to before even thinking about posting it. Also a shout out to my other best friend Godoy that is always there to support me even though he sometimes doesn’t really know how I do my work. There are also great artists out there like Drunkenfix, CrystalBeastie, and Beautiful Glitch.
What games are an inspiration to you?
I am really into three types of games: horror rpgs, shooters and cozy games. All of them inspire me to make what I like the most. Some examples would be IB, Valorant and Unpacking.

What inspired you to get into games?
Before even getting into games and game art, I was more into the animation part of the industry. I always liked games since I always used to watch my older brother play them all the time. I was really influenced by Nintendo games like Luigi’s Mansion and Animal Crossing, but what really got me was Overwatch. It is way different from other games I played before but the characters, their stories, and all the worldbuilding made me really want to work in the videogame industry.
What’s your favorite part of working in the gaming industry?
The thing about being part of the gaming industry both as a dev and fan is that it is really exciting. That sense of community and being part of something you enjoy with a bunch of other people is what I love the most.
What is the dream game you hope to work on one day?
Probably a FPS game like Valorant or Overwatch.
What is it like working on Forage Friends?
I really enjoy working on Forage Friends! It is my first real job in the industry and it is so much more than I was expecting it to be. The team has a great sense of community.

What kind of impact are you hoping to make with the release of Forage Friends?
I am hoping that it can help a lot of people start feeling motivated to do something different with their body and improve their quality of life. I know that it can sometimes be really scary to go out by yourself to get some exercise or just to even walk a bit.
What is your favorite part of developing for Forage Friends that is in another department?
I am really intrigued by what the writers are doing. They have a bunch of creative ideas for the game and I am really excited to see them implemented in the game very soon.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I really like to hang out with friends either online or in person. You can usually find me playing competitive games like Valorant or Overwatch with them. I am also really into any type of arts and crafts, especially sculpting.
What is an interesting fact about you?
I practiced volleyball for about 9 years of my life when I was in school. I stopped when I got into high school since I really didn’t want it to consume my freetime and wanted to do new things. I still really enjoy playing though.
Where can people follow you on social media?
Instagram: @smol.meraki
Twitter: @MerakiSmol